The protagonist, Ars Lobent, is reincarnated in another world and begins his life as the son of a minor noble with a small territory. Ars does not possess any special intelligence or martial strength, but he is born with the “Appraisal Skill” to see through others’ abilities and statuses. Utilizing this skill, he uncovers hidden talents and transforms his weak territory into the strongest one. This is the start of a tale about the kind-hearted Ars and his encounters and growth with these unique talents in a unified otherworldly narrative!
Cast & Staff
The role of the protagonist, Ars Lobent, is played by Natsumi Fujiwara. Reetz Muses is played by Yasuto Saka, Charlotte Race by Nami Yoshida, Rosel Kiesha by Miho Okasaki, Liscia Praid by Kana Hanazawa, Raven Lobent by Hiroki Touchi, Mireille Grandion by Hitomi Nabatame, and Fam by Haruka Tomatsu. A stellar cast has been assembled.
The director is Takao Kato, with series composition by Yasuhiro Nakanishi. Character design is by Yuko Yahiro, with sub-character design by Miho Tanaka. The music is by Yukari Hashimoto, and the animation production is by SILVER LINK.