Hello. This time, I bring you news about the popular anime “Bocchi the Rock!” opening pop-up shops in five locations across the country. This anime, a work by Aki Hamaji serialized in Houbunsha’s manga magazine “Manga Time Kirara MAX,” tells the story of high school student Hitori Gotou who, troubled by her lack of friends, meets classmates Nijika Ijichi, Ryo Yamada, and Ikuyo Kita, and forms a band. The anime, which has been broadcasting since October 2023, depicts Hitori’s growth, the bonds with her friends, and her passion for music, capturing the hearts of many fans.
Overview of the Pop-Up Shop Event
The “Bocchi the Rock!” anime pop-up shops will be held sequentially at five venues in Akihabara, Nagoya, Kokura, Sendai, and Osaka from March 1 to May 6, 2024. At the venues, new anime merchandise will be sold in advance, along with special offers unique to the pop-up shops. The special offers include cards featuring newly drawn illustrations, distributed randomly according to the purchase amount. There are four types of cards, each featuring illustrations of the band members Hitori Gotou, Nijika Ijichi, Ryo Yamada, and Ikuyo Kita. These cards are limited in quantity, so grab them early!
Schedule and Venues for the Pop-Up Shops
The schedule and venues for the pop-up shops are as follows. Admission is free, but some venues may require numbered tickets. For details, please check the official website[^5^][5] or the websites of each venue.
- Atre Akihabara 1 2F Event Space: March 1 (Fri) ~ March 15 (Fri), 2024
- Gee Store Nagoya: March 30 (Sat) ~ April 7 (Sun), 2024
- Gee Store Kokura: April 13 (Sat) ~ April 21 (Sun), 2024
- Gee Store Sendai: April 13 (Sat) ~ April 21 (Sun), 2024
- Gee Store Osaka: April 27 (Sat) ~ May 6 (Mon, holiday), 2024
We’ve shared information about the “Bocchi the Rock!” anime’s pop-up shops opening in five locations nationwide, including new merchandise and special offers. Why not take this opportunity to experience the music and smiles of Hitori and her friends and get into the Bocchi the Rock mood? Since the pop-up shops are only for a limited time, be sure to visit a venue near you!